AGKK De-escalation training offers face-to-face training, practical courses, staff education in violence prevention, aggression management OVA training and workplace conflict solutions
Face-to-face De-Escalation Training & Practical Occupational Violence & Aggression Management and Prevention training that works.
“AGKK face-to-face de-escalation and OVA training has years of proven performance and assists your business and staff with improved confidence, safety, wellbeing and enhanced productivity.”
This solutions based training focuses on de-escalating techniques as well as highly practical sessions will demonstrate to staff practical applications how to proactively deal with aggressive phone calls, using body language, strategic communication to de-escalate aggressive customers, clients and individuals in how and when to use safety disengagement solutions and many other practical techniques to keep staff safe.
In our de-escalation training and ova training we train staff to manage work aggressive situations with confidence and effectiveness.
AGKK de-escalation interactive training and OVA training is a passionate, dedicated team with over 25 years of experience in staff workplace conflict training and education.
Delivering Occupational Violence Prevention, de-escalation interactive training and Aggressive Behaviour Management non-violent training for your business and employee’s safety and wellbeing is our focus.
✅ Working together, we can fast-track and maintain a proactive, peaceful and successful outcomes for the management of actual or potential aggression or violence.
“In our de-escalation training we educate staff with prevention measures, risk mitigation through de-escalation and proactive techniques; de-escalation communication techniques; techniques for identifying and assessing behaviours of concern; tailor-made behaviour management strategies; personal safety responses and disengagement techniques.”
Bernie Haughey Chief Instructor and Founder
We do this through education, practical training, increasing employee awareness and developing proactive preventative routines for staff.
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide practical solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and real-world interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
De-Escalation & OVA Training
Employee occupational violence prevention and aggression management workplace training courses, workshops and OVA courses, improving safety solutions for staff and businesses
Face-to-face De-Escalation & Practical Occupational Violence & Aggression Training engages and involves the staff to actively participate so they experience and see firsthand the proactive, effective strategies and solutions that obtain good outcomes. Feedback and our experience reveal that active practical engagement in the face-to-face-training and teaching obtains much better results, than online learning or zoom tutorials as staff in face-to-face workshops contribute to ownership of proactive techniques and strategies that can assist them immediately.
AGKK De-Escalation courses & OVA training for staff, businesses and organisations.
“The de-escalation interactive face-to-face training AGKK provides will help safeguard your business, organisation, its assets, and your staff under serious circumstances of occupational violence and aggression which can be present in their day to day workplace activities.”
AGKK De-Escalation provides courses training for staff & business training in violence prevention, aggression management OVA training workplace conflict, staff Self Defence
✅ Our de-escalation courses and training provides an effective proven framework of techniques and strategies for preventing and managing occupational violence and aggression (OVA).
✅ The experienced delivery of de-escalation training sets out the practical elements that should underpin good practice in preventing and managing OVA.
✅ We have years of experience in the prevention and management training with practical effective response strategies and techniques.
🎯 This de-escalation training, courses and education contains important guidelines to assist in implementing the framework for preventing and managing OVA for staff a organisations.
🎯 The de-escalation training provides practical recommendations to relevant staff to demonstrate commitment to the key elements and effective de-escalation responses to occupational violence and aggression.
AGKK De-escalation training is effective and works well for businesses because we provide practical, face-to-face training in a structured, experienced and a methodical way that improves confidence and occupational violence prevention and aggression management skills which improve the safety and wellbeing for all involved.
We work intelligently with businesses in identifying what are their desired goals and provide preventative and job specific management training education system for de-escalation training when dealing with conflict in the workplace.
We are experienced in supporting the safety and wellbeing of staff in our innovative, interactive de-escalation workshops, courses and face-to-face training.
AGKK De-Escalation & OVA Training throughout Australia teaches you employees essential wide-ranging set of skills for staff and employees when they have to deal with conflict in the workplace.
Our de-escalation face-to-face courses and training workshops help staff and employees to…
- AND PERFORM Safely with Occupational Violence and Aggression workplace management incidents
✅ We teach de-escalation workshops and courses in a professional, safe, comprehensive, educational interactive training environment that provide solutions & build staff confidence
✅ Our carefully structured de-escalation training foundation, workshops, classes and courses will help staff develop proactive and practical safety techniques.
Face-to- face training Behaviour Management, Workshops, Courses, Strategies and Training for Staff when dealing with Occupational Violence and Aggression in the Workplace
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation face-to-face training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
I offer tailored training packages which are delivered in house face-to-face training and takes pride in meeting your specific de-escalation needs and desired safety outcomes for staff and all involved in relation to occupational violence and aggression.
Working together, we can maintain a proactive, peaceful and successful outcomes for the management of actual or potential aggression or violence.
“I am a highly experienced educator with a proven ability to train staff to have solutions and strategies to build employee confidence and proactively be able to de-escalate intense aggressive workplace situations.”
AGKK De-escalation courses and training is real-world, custom made interactive and solution bases training which teaches staff an essential comprehensive set of skills needed to deal with agitated and aggressive clients or colleagues in various situations, and to diffuse threatening situations confidently and productively.
We provide staff with safety solutions and practical de-escalation face-to-face training courses Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne & Australia wide.
✅ Our de-escalation training is a proven method of educating staff in regards to how to better deal with aggressive people or violence.
✅ We educate employees and develop awareness and prevention strategies, reinforced with practical de-escalation training drills that are safe, focussing on prevention, escaping, or surviving real or potential threats.
✅ AGKK de-escalation practical training and courses, encourage non-violent resolutions as primary objectives.
✅ Our focus is on teaching practical safe ways for staff to ward off an assailant.
✅ We teach staff the Proactive Safety Self Defence disengagement training skills and solutions staff can use safely and maintain duty of care in certain workplace situations they could experience while performing their duties.
✅ We also train staff in protective behaviours and strategies to help avoid unpleasant and dangerous situations in the first place.
The tailor-made de-escalation training provides staff with an effective foundational framework for proactive de-escalation.
The interactive de-escalation training provides businesses, organisations and individuals the skills and resources needed for optimal de-escalation to prevent many Occupational Violence and Aggression incidents from occurring.
Usually our custom made interactive de-escalation training is delivered in person, at your organisation or venue.
Training Australia Wide.
Usually conducted at your workplace or another location.
All staff, managers, and owners facing workplace aggression, conflict or violence.
Can be up to 50 people for each training de-escalation workshop.
(We are flexible to accommodate your needs)
Upon request and to be discussed based on your needs and training requirements.
It is important to touch base on the phone so are able to fast track and establish your specific training requirements and desired outcomes for your staff and business
Phone Bernie 7 days per week on 0409474494or use this inquiry booking form
I am passionate and dedicated I trust that my experience and practical proven performance assists your business and staff.
Tailor-made de-escalation practical training, courses and programs can be
🔴 2 hour intensive interactive workshop
🔴 Half Day interactive Training or
🔴 Full Day interactive training for workplaces and staff, businesses and other organisations.
These de-escalation workshops and courses can be adapted to fit with your organisations timeframe.
It will meet your specific training requirements and desired practical outcomes.
Advanced Bookings Recommended
I can travel to your location Australia wide
AGKK de-escalation practical training is dedicated and committed to providing its clients with occupational violence and prevention de-escalation training of the highest calibre and assisting businesses to mitigate security risks within their work environment for their staff.
Staff confidence and tactical knowledge will improve to deter and prevent occupational violence and aggression.
“The de-escalation courses, training workshops will be very engaging and practical and your staff team will be able to ask for advice on how to proactively deal with real-life instances of aggression and violence in the workplace.
In the interactive de-escalation training employees will be taught safe disengagement techniques and effective verbal communication for de-escalation, which will allow staff to practice them in a safe environment, and provide staff with constructive feedback for very useful solutions.”
“With our De-escalation training and Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions we Euip, Educate and Empower your staff, employees, business and your workplace with the confidence skills and the solutions needed to respond professionally and ethically to escalated individuals and Occupational Violence and Aggression incidents thus increasing staff confidence, productivity and improving safety.”
Face-to-face training will better equip your staff to manage aggressive behaviour face to face and over the phone. Training will educate staff with practical strategies and techniques so they can effectively de-escalate, interact and proactively manage high risk clients, coming from diverse backgrounds e.g. mental health, drug abuse, crime etc
Employee occupational violence prevention and aggression management workplace training courses, workshops and OVA courses, for staff and businesses
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Face-to-Face Training, Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
Working together we can enhance the confidence, welfare, health and safety for all.
Working with a variety of industries across Australia I have been providing quality in person interactive training sessions providing practical and immediate safety de-escalation solutions for staff.
You are most welcome to contact me at any time for further information or to make a booking.
I would warmly welcome the opportunity to discuss how my services can be of benefit for departmental personnel within your organisation.
The de-escalation interactive workshop session/s cover content that is specific to the specific real situation dangers staff are exposed to and we tailor our training to suit your staff and what they may be currently facing and to prepare them for what could possibly lie ahead.
I offer tailored training interactive packages which are delivered in house and takes pride in meeting your specific de-escalation needs and desired safety outcomes in relation to occupational violence and aggression.
I am a highly experienced educator with a proven ability to train a variety of staff groups to maximise preventative management responses to occupational violence and aggression.
Our staff interactive training achieve outstanding results for staff including increased confidence and safety.
As mentioned in our conversation I provide innovative, staff interactive training where we look at particular real life and real life workplace experiences that your staff have or could experience to provide solutions.
The interactive training is contextualised with support solutions to demonstrate proactive and safer responses in duress situations
Occupational specific workplace conflict scenario role playing, based workplace conflict events, can be used to improve safety awareness and de-escalation strategies and proactive approaches to provide solutions and better outcomes.
The real workplace situational training helps staff build confidence, improves safety and enhances staff wellbeing.
I have trained many staff groups across Australia, with this interactive training providing solutions for office and frontline workers.
This practical interactive training is very beneficial for all the staff as they gain ownership of de-escalation techniques and see the benefits are able to put them into immediate use.
🎯 Each interactive workshop/session is specifically designed to suit your staff situations. Major emphasis of each program/session is placed on your staff needs.
🎯 Prevention, sound strategies and proactive solutions are essential components in the Occupational Violence Prevention Interactive courses and workshops.
🎯 Our professional instructors teach through positive motivation to ensure your staff have a great experience.
We educate staff on protective behaviours and conflict resolution to help them avoid problems arising in the first place.
De-escalation training Occupational Violence Prevention interactive workshops provide the opportunity for staff to explore a range of simple yet practical skills that improve the ability of staff to…
🎯 effectively deter and manage unsafe, threatening or assaultive behaviour, such as harassment, bullying and physical abusive situations.
De-escalation training courses and programs in occupational violence and aggression training and workplace conflict workshops and courses for staff and employees throughout Brisbane and Australia.
De-Escalation & OVA Face-to-FaceTraining, Courses Workshops
De-escalation staff training for all businesses, organisations and industries
We have the experience and take the time to fully Customise, Workplace Specific Scenario-Based, Interactive practical de-escalation and OVA training for all organisations, businesses and industries
In our de-escalation training and ova training with train staff to manage work aggressive situations with confidence and effectiveness.
🎯 Staff & Employee Training Courses in Occupational Violence and Aggression
🎯 Staff & Employee Training Courses in De-escalation Strategies that are practical and effective
🎯 Staff & Employee Training Courses Physical Protection Education & Training
🎯 Staff & Employee Training Courses in Physical Protection Training
🎯 Training Courses for Staff & Employee in Remote Working Training
🎯 Training Courses for staff in Personal Safety Training
🎯 Staff & Employee Training Courses in workplace Conflict Resolution
🎯 Employee and staff Training Courses in Workplace Environmental Risk Assessments and Control Plans for occupational violence and aggression
What are practical de-escalation techniques, face-to face training and why are they important for staff?
De-escalation is a process by which staff calm the situation before it gets worse. This can be done through a variety of techniques involving breathing, active listening, asking questions, being compassionate, and the use of body language.
We provide practical de-escalation training, relevant to prevent escalation, reduce stress & anxiety of staff & enhance wellbeing
🔴 In our de-escalation training staff will develop an understanding that they should practice active listening, and demonstrate empathy.
Active listening and empathy are very important de-escalation techniques.
Improving staff communication will help prevent misunderstandings from occurring, and will help employees to de-escalate individuals.
Active listening requires staff to actually listen to the other person, rather than interrupting them, rushing them, or spending the time in your head plotting out what you’ll say next. When staff listen to the other person, they feel heard and appreciated, and their anger will begin to subside.
Staff asking questions (and listening to the answers!) allows employees to hear the individual’s side of the story and get down to the actual root of the problem. Remember that there are always three sides to a story: yours, theirs, and what actually happened. Be open to hearing how they have interpreted something and how it may be different than how you intended it.
In our de-escalation training and courses we train staff lay a strong foundation of listening, by way of asking strategic questions and giving the individual the space to air their frustrations and their needs.
Showing empathy by putting yourself in their shoes will help de-escalate the situation at-hand. Once they know you’re going to try and do what’s best for them, they can calm down and you two can work together to get their issue resolved.
🔴 In our de-escalation training staff will be taught that in most circumstances to
Don’t say no; instead, tell your customer how you’ll work to resolve their issue.
There’s nothing more frustrating than hearing “No,” “I don’t know”, so, to effectively de-escalate an issue, avoid these terms.
Instead, staff might say phrases like, “I will try to resolve this and investigate this issue for you,” “I am going to try and help you”. If possible, staff can explain specifically how they are planning to help resolve the clients, customer’s or individuals issue.
For instance, employees might explain that you’re going to do your best to assist them.
🔴 Sometimes employees encounter escalation workplace situations or workplace conflict situations that are outside of their role’s expertise. Staff could clearly explain to the client or customer how their expertise is not best suited to solve the problem, but that I will do their best to help them. Staff can explain how they are going to proactively precede with actionable positive steps or plan of action. Employees could also provide helpful resources or other ways customers, clients or individuals can tackle similar issues, if applicable and a possible solution. In most cases there is a solution for de-escalating a workplace conflict situation.
🎯 In our practical and face-to-face de-escalation training we teach and demonstrate to staff how to stay calm, even when a client customer, or individual is frustrated.
🔴 While it can be tempting for staff to raise their voice or become equally emotional when speaking to an angry individual or customer, but that won’t de-escalate the workplace conflict issue and might even make it much worse.
✅ In our interactive de-escalation training and courses we educate staff how important it is for employees to remain calm. We demonstrate to staff how breathing can help with this and be part of a calming solution in occupational violence and aggression situations.
When a workplace conflict situation begins, it is a biological event that staff bodies can be forced into a fight, flight, or freeze mode. Staff breathing can become faster or laboured, employee heart rate increases, and employees literally ready to fight our “attacker” or flee the situation. Neither of these solutions is ideal for workplace conflict.
Controlled breathing benefits a heated situation in multiple ways. First, taking a deep breath calms staff nervous system, allowing employees to think (and respond) clearly and calmly. With focused breathing, staff can lower their heart rate and their blood pressure, and take themselves out of this common stress response. Secondly, a few moments of deep breathing can give staff the time they need to collect their thoughts to make proactive responses so staff don not say or do anything that could cause dramatic escalation. This practical workplace conflict training helps with identifying a solution and leads to peaceful and less stressful outcomes when managing aggression in the workplace.
🎯The Benefits of De-Escalation training or courses for a business, organisation and their employees
✅ Learning practical de-escalation techniques and training your entire team from Human Resources managers, to managers, to your frontline workers can have a multitude of benefits for your organisation and the enhanced safety and wellbeing of your staff.
✅ Minimising workplace Conflict has positive outcomes for staff and your business.
Some of these include and are not limited to:
✅ We educate staff to communicate better with customers, clients and individuals and work through disagreements before they become full-blown issues.
✅ All staff and organisations want less conflict and less workplace conflict issues.
✅ With our interactive de-escalation face-to-face practical training businesses and staff accomplish their goals faster and more effectively.
✅ With our experienced de-escalation training and courses, we assist with proactive solutions, so that when minor workplace conflict issues arise for staff, they don’t turn into major problems that cause significant issues.
A trained staff member in de-escalation techniques will have this proactive mindset;
“When I encounter workplace escalation situations with a individual, the first thing I do is I establish a strong foundation of listening. I might also ask strategic questions and giving the customer, client or individual the space to air their frustrations and their needs. Everyone can encounters workplace challenges; individuals sometimes simply want to know we understand the why and are here to help and then how we can work through possible solutions in a safe manner.”
These essential skills and knowledge from the de-escalation training maintain safe and orderly workplace environments for staff and individuals.
The de-escalation courses, training program, workshop content will be tailored to your workplace local face-to-face context in consultation with us in the planning phase so the de-escalation training is specific for your staff and we meet your desired outcomes.
🔴 In our de-escalation training we convey and reinforce that it is important to understand that no single response or technique will work in every situation. When responding to escalating behaviour, consider the customer, client and individual, the circumstances, and the overall context of the workplace conflict situation. If at any time the individual threatens to harm or you feel unsafe, call for help immediately.
De-escalation is one technique that can be used effectively when confronted with violent or aggressive behaviour.
De-escalation means “transferring your sense of calm and genuine interest in what the individual wants to tell you by using respectful, clear, limit setting boundaries.
“Our practical de-escalation training and courses we help to provide solutions for businesses and our professional dedication will support your staff in their continuous journey of quality improvement with the management of occupational violence and aggression.”
✅ If it is safe staff might suggest to sit down at a private area.
If it seems safe to do so, it may be helpful to move the individual away from public spaces and into a private area to talk.
✅ We train staff to empathetic and non-judgmental in our de-escalation training and courses.
“Focus on understanding the person’s feelings. Whether or not you think those feelings are justified, they are real to the other person.”
Possible response: “I appreciate how you must feel.”
✅ In our de-escalation and OVA training we educate staff and demonstrate the importance to respect personal space and the techniques of using safe proximity.
If possible, staff should stand 1.5metres or more away from the aggressive person. Allowing personal space tends to decrease a person’s anxiety and can help prevent acting-out behavior. And importantly we teach employees to not block exits.
✅ In our de-escalation courses we teach staff to keep their tone and body language neutral.
The more a person loses control, the less they hear your words — and the more they react to your nonverbal communication. Relax your body and keep your hands in front of you and relaxed.
✅ In our de-escalation training we demonstrate and practice with staff to avoid over-reacting.
“Remain calm, rational, and professional. While you cannot control the other person’s behaviour, how you respond to their behaviour can affect whether the situation escalates or defuses. Empathise with feelings, not behaviour.”
Possible example training response: “I can appreciate and understand you are frustrated but it’s not okay to yell and sweat at staff as this is getting in the way of me helping you.”
✅ It is usually safer and good for staff to set boundaries and select them wisely.
“If the person’s behaviour is belligerent, defensive, or disruptive, give them clear, simple, and enforceable limits. Offer concise and respectful choices and consequences.”
Possible response: “It’s important for you to not swear in order for me to try to assist you.
✅ In workplace conflict it is sometimes a good strategy to allow for some silence.
By letting silence occur, you are giving the person a chance to reflect on what’s happening and how to proceed.
✅ In de-escalation training and courses we educate staff to allow time for positive decisions from their clients and customers
“When a customer, client or person is upset, they may not be able to think clearly. Give them a few moments to think through what you’ve said.”
An example could include I’ll come back in about 2 minutes after you’ve had time to think about those options.”
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Face-to-Face Training, Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
We have years of proven experience in workplace staff training delivering customised training: specific to your staff, employees, business, organisation and industry
✅ We have a demonstrated experienced training record of delivering customised training specific to staff and business needs and providing effective realistic solutions.
✅ We have years of proven experience in delivering customised de-escalation training: – covering many management solutions for staff in relation to workplace incidents of violence and aggression
✅ We deliver optimised tailor made training: providing solution based outcomes
✅ Training courses are practical, very useful, interactive and based on real-life staff situations of violence or aggression in the workplace
Staff De–escalation training and workplace conflict, OVA Training, workshops, courses, programs is suitable for all employees and is designed to educate and interactively train staff in aggression behaviour management and violence prevention.
We provide staff and businesses with proactive workplace de-escalation staff management training to reduce aggression, prevent violent attacks on staff and increase the confidence, safety and wellbeing of staff.
AGKK de-escalation training are highly experienced with over 20 years of experience in staff training and education, specialising in de-escalation, OVA and occupational violence and aggression prevention.
De-Escalation, OVA training improves staff confidence and employee Personal Safety
De-escalation staff training and OVA training for all businesses and industries
Whether you need training to deal with difficult people or your employees need to be trained in the effective management of occupational violence and aggression.
AGKK de-escalation training education has years of training experience for you industry and employees which can be fully tailor-made to address your staff safety needs and desired business outcomes.
Our experienced de-escalation interactive training, programs and workshops, courses improves staff performance when they are faced with workplace conflict and occupational violence and aggression.
“We make sure that the de-escalation training and Occupational violence and aggression training workshops courses and programs aligns with your particular staff workplace needs, desired goals and improves safety outcomes for your staff and employees.”
🎯 Employees are trained in practical and real workplace Occupational violence and aggression prevention combined with practical interactive workplace de-escalation strategies to use that increase safety procedures for staff that are very useful to reduce the risk of aggression and violence in the workplace that they are currently facing or potentially face.
The de-escalation training courses, programs and workshops is essential in developing a control plan for businesses to maintain safety and well being of staff and assist in protecting your business.
De-escalation Training, workshops, courses and programs for employees and staff throughout Brisbane and Australia
We deliver personalised learning content and educate your staff in occupational violence and aggression prevention strategies based on actual, genuine and real workplace conflict experiences that are custom made in their particular workplace context situations. In our de-escalation training we empower and increase confidence of staff and managers with techniques to effectively manage occupational violence and aggression.
🎯 De-escalation training, courses, programs and workshops in occupational violence and aggression management prevention training for staff assists businesses and staff with the skills needed for better and safer outcomes in workplace conflict resolution.
Many businesses and organisations contact us for our experienced and practical training in how staff can proactively manage aggressive & violent behaviour in the workplace.
AGKK de-escalation staff training provides a unique aggressive behaviour management
workshop and course that gives your employees the tools to deal with aggressive, violent and challenging customers, clients and people.
We assist businesses and organisations as far a reasonably practical to aid with OVA risks are eliminated at the source.
Our de-escalation training helps with the reduction of occupational violence and aggression risks and the enhancement of risk management controls.
🎯 We provide experienced staff de-escalation interactive training we make sure that the training is tailored to your staff requirements.
🎯 We aid businesses and organisations with the practical training of staff with the appropriate de-escalation knowledge and skills relevant to their role to prevent and manage violence and aggression in the workplace.
🎯 Our de-escalation interactive training includes a range of strategies appropriate to the roles of staff.
🎯 Our experienced de-escalation training and occupational violence and aggression management training helps address the differing knowledge and skill levels of staff.
🎯 De-escalation response procedures are designed to consider staff roles and workplace risks.
🎯 Training aids in improving safety and wellbeing of staff as the de-escalation training helps manage behaviours of concern.
At AGKK practical and interactive training we provide de-escalation face-to-face training and courses for all staff in all industries and organisations across Australia.
✅ This de-escalation training course, workshops and occupational violence and aggression management (OVA training) is designed with the integration of real workplace practical training which improves the confidence, safety and wellbeing of staff especially front line workers and employees.
✅ The interactive de-escalation training course teaches staff about de-escalation techniques and proactive steps they can use to reduce and prevent occupational violence and aggression.
🔴 Many providers only provide online learning in de-escalation training and courses which does not get staff up and about with face-to-face interactive training.
This can have a big impact on the end results in not meeting the desired outcomes of the business and the empowerment of staff confidence and real workplace, job specific strategies for staff to not effectively manage aggression and prevent violence in the workplace.
✅ Practical, face-to-face training provides and delivers specific solutions to the real situations that staff can find themselves in when faced with workplace violence and aggression. There is a big differences between the other online training and practical de-escalation training workshops and courses we provide.
✅ Practical de-escalation training and courses obtains much better results for the staff and their organisation.
We provide a practical, experienced and proven system for workplace aggression management and violence prevention de-escalation training workshops and courses for staff.
✅ De-escalating training workplace conflict courses, OVA training for staff across a range of businesses and organisations Australia wide.
✅ The practical de-escalation courses and training helps with occupational violence prevention skill development procedures for staff.
✅ From our interactive de-escalation practical courses and training staff can proactively identify, prevent, assess and manage occupational violence hazards and risks in the
✅ In our de-escalation courses and training we help provide the de-escalation skills and OVA skills so staff can identify and have early intervention to prevent and deter occupational violence and aggression which improves the safety and wellbeing of employees, clients and customers.
De-escalation training courses & OVA training throughout Australia including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and all locations.
✅ AGKK de-escalation training courses and OVA practical training is an interactive and a solution based training which teaches staff essential skills in the prevention and effective management of occupational violence and aggression.
De-escalation Training, Corporate Workshops & courses for staff, businesses throughout Brisbane, Queensland and Australia wide.
Our face-to-face training, practical de-escalation training achieves lasting results and solutions for staff in the workplace with practical, occupational job specific management and prevention of violence and aggression.
🎯 Our de-escalation interactive training gives your staff the knowledge, resilience and confidence to remain productive and positive in any work environment. Tailor-made flexible solutions. De-escalation staff training and courses: that improve staff safety and wellbeing.
De-escalation face-to-face training that works for staff in improving safety, knowledge and confidence.
Advance De-escalation Training Safety Skills for your staff through courses and workshops.
De-escalating Training and course that help protect your employees.
Workplace Conflict and Aggression management staff courses and training.
We train staff how to De-escalate Aggressive Behaviours in the Workplace.
De-escalation Training and courses that demonstrate practical strategies for staff to use when safely managing violence and aggressive behaviour in the workplace.
🎯 In our practical de-escalation training workshops and courses we teach staff to recognise and respond to anxiety of customers, co-workers, clients or individuals before it escalates to a crisis situation of extreme aggression or violence.
De-escalation Training & Courses Improve Staff Safety
In most circumstances before aggression or violence erupts in the workplace anxiety can be demonstrated by a change in a person’s behaviour.
Examples include
🔴 Fidgeting
🔴 Raising voice
🔴 Increased faster movements
🔴 Pointing
🔴 Pacing
🔴 Rocking
🔴 Hand-wringing
🔴 Mood shifts
Some examples of De-escalation course training strategies for staff include:
1. Limit eve contact
2. Maintain a neutral facial expression
3. Maintain a neutral tone of voice
4. Open posture & gestures
5. Responsive timing and intensity
6. Avoid the word “no”
7. Use the “when/then” rule
8. Re-focus the conversation
9. Tactical Distraction
10. Repair and restore relationships.
Testimonial for AGKK Staff De-Escalation face-to-face, interactive Training
Presenter: Bernie Haughey
“We recently had de-escalation practical, interactive training with AGKK at two of our locations. Our presenter was Bernie Haughey. I was very impressed with Bernie’s commitment and desire to provide us with the most appropriate training for our workplace contexts. I had several phone calls with Bernie prior to the training event, and he asked insightful questions about the nature of our work in order to determine the areas where we most needed training. Many of our staff are required to visit clients in their homes and Bernie was able to modify the training for that context. To further provide us with bespoke training Bernie arrived early so that he could meet our staff and talk about their experiences and where they had areas of concern.
The training itself was an ideal mix of theory and interactive practice. Everybody had a chance to practice the skills that Bernie expertly taught us. The principles were simple but highly effective.
Feedback from our staff was uniformly excellent. Best of all, our staff now feel a lot more confident about how to de-escalate a situation and thereby ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all concerned.
I whole-heartedly recommend the de-escalation interactive training with AGKK. As evidence of my recommendation, we have already booked Bernie in for refresher training at the start of 2023.”
Peter McAloney Arethusa Colleges
De-escalation interactive face-to-face training, Occupational violence prevention and aggression management training, workshops, courses, programs: What can de-escalation training and OVA training do for businesses, organisations, employees and staff?
If a staff member or another employee experience occupational aggression or violence it is important to know how to safely manage and have de-escalation techniques to help reduce the impact and importantly assist in preventing it from occurring.
De-escalation Practical Face-to-Face Training and education of staff will assist in maintaining safety and wellbeing of staff:
✅ Staff attend aggression prevention and management training workshops yearly to maintain safety and duty of care responsibilities
✅ Read and understand your business or organisation’s policies and procedures on preventing and managing occupational violence and aggression
✅ Employees should avoid working in isolation
✅ Staff undertake risk assessments in training to proactively identify the potential for violence and be part of the management process to put prevention strategies in place
✅ Employees report potential risks to their business manager, and the organisations occupational health and safety officer or representative
✅ De-escalation training and OVA training cultivates proactive skills for employees in developing effective communication skills that will equip staff to prevent aggression from escalating and create safer workplace boundaries that create two-way communication
✅ Staff need to familiarise themselves with business and organisation’s incident reporting policies and procedures especially in regard to occupational violence and aggression
✅ Employees need to report and record all incidents and near misses with workplace violence and aggression this will help with preventative measures that can be taken into the future to help protect other staff
✅ Staff should engage in debriefing and support with their manager/employer and after workplace violence or aggression has occurred.
✅ Ensure that any incident of aggression is documented so that staff and other employees can access ongoing training and support.
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Face-to-Face training, Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
At AGKK de-escalation training we help enhance an optimal safety culture to improve the safety and wellbeing of all too safely manage aggressive behaviours in the workplace.
🔴 Every workplace may experience violence and aggressive behaviour incidents that can have an impact on your staff your clients, customers and your organisation.
🎯 In our de-escalation training we help develop a safer workplace with the prevention of violence and improved management of violence.
🎯 We enhance operational and financial performance of staff when they are confronted with violence and aggression when they are performing their duties in the workplace.
🔴 Businesses, organisations and staff need to identify –
Why is the aggression in their workplace?
Who is the aggressor?
Who are the targets of aggression?
What triggers the aggression?
Some reasons of aggression might include providing care or services to people who are in distress, afraid, people who are incarcerated, working alone and isolated area.
Some clients or customers can have unreasonable expectations of what your organisation will or what your staff can provide them.
🎯 In our de-escalation training we can identify and possibly recommend that some staff can adjust their work methodology to meet the needs of its customers. We can clarify are there any aspects of your service delivery model and systems that might contribute to aggressive behaviours from customers or clients.
🎯 Our de-escalation training will enhance and empower staff with a positive safety culture.
🎯 The occupational violence prevention and aggressive management training will improve proactive behaviours from staff including strategic language for employees to use.
🔴 Some staff may not know the difference between verbal abuse and threats and threatening behaviours and physical assault in regard to what they are and how staff can prevent, manage and respond to them.
“Our de-escalation training aids in the process of continuous improvement for the safety and wellbeing of staff, clients and customers.”
“Before we conduct the de-escalation training and the aggressive behaviour management training we want to understand the specific nature and interactive aggressive behaviours on your organisation and staff.”
🎯 We identify your needs and desired outcomes to improve the safety and wellbeing of staff.
🎯 We make sure that nothing goes under the radar to improve safety and we are always available to assist you at any time.
🎯 We plan the occupational violence prevention and aggression management training workshops specific to your employees.
✅ Before we conduct the workplace conflict training we have open discussions with leadership so together we can identify, analyse and provide better future resolutions and prevention of workplace incidents with proactive staff management strategies of aggressive behaviours that are practical, meaningful and solutions based.
✅ We support and assist organisations to enhance their safety culture. With our de-escalation training we understand that safety is paramount we train staff to use proactive techniques to deescalate a conflict situation.
✅ These training foundations provide staff to use their own initiative to use proactive de-escalation strategies when dealing with occupational violence and aggression leading to better outcomes for all.
✅ We train staff with the safety skills to be able to earlier identify potential situations of violence and aggression and prevent them from occurring.
It is better for organisations to train staff with de-escalation strategies and safety skills before occupational violence and aggression incidents occur.
🎯 Education in de-escalation workshops is the key to improve and maintain safety and wellbeing.
🔴 We reinforce to staff that when they are interacting with clients, customers and individuals that their clients can be unpredictable.
🎯 Our de-escalation training improves staff competency and ability with dynamic hazard assessment how employees use proactive options to improve safer outcomes.
Through our extensive experience we identify the workplace conflict safety challenges that staff are exposed to in relation to occupational violence and aggression. We then custom make the de-escalation training for staff specific to their workplace situations to help minimise the number of workplace conflict situations and increase safety for all involved .
When organisations and businesses commission us to train their staff the education they receive in occupational violence prevention and aggression management helps mitigate the foreseeable risks of physical, emotional and psychological injury.
Our experienced workplace de-escalation training provides staff the necessary management skills to proactively deal with high-risk clients or client groups in relation to occupational violence prevention and aggression management.
Training in the management of occupational violence and aggressive behaviours improves safety and wellbeing of staff, clients and customers.
✅ We provide de-escalation training that is contextual and solution based for your staff and business
✅ We provide staff with the preventative tools and confidence to manage the escalating risks alongside effective violence and aggression incident response.
✅ Our occupational violence prevention and aggression management training promotes a culture of continuous safety improvement and preventative management methodology for staff.
What does the AGKK de-escalation training, courses, programs on occupational violence and aggression course cover for businesses and organisations?
Employers have a duty to keep employees safe by eliminating and controlling workplace violence and aggression. The AGKK occupational violence and aggression training and courses enables employers to create awareness for what is workplace violence and aggression and enable their employees, contractors and volunteers to identify, report and respond to incidents of work-related violence and aggression. OVA training and de-escalation training promotes a healthy and safer workplace including the physical and psychological work environment. This helps maintain the confidence and wellbeing of staff.
What topics are covered in the AGKK de-escalation training work-related violence and aggression courses and programs?
This de-escalation training and workplace conflict courses focuses on helping employees identify, report and resolve incidents of work-related violence and aggression that present a risk to their own or others health and safety. Here are some examples of some of the workplace de-escalation training, violence and aggression training topics covered in the courses, programs workshops are:
🔴 What is occupational violence and aggression?
🔴 What are de-escalation strategies for employees and staff
🔴 Impacts of violence in the workplace for employees
🔴 Staff identifying the hazards and risks of work-related violence
🔴 Employees proactively responding to violence and aggression in the workplace
🔴 Staff strategies contributing to a safe physical and psychological environment
Why do businesses and organisations deliver this practical, interactive de-escalation staff training, violence and aggression workplace training courses and programs?
Regrettably, occupational violence and aggression does occur in almost all workplaces in businesses and organisations. There are many types of occupational violence occurring in all workplaces, and the severity of impacts varies, it is a serious issue that employers face, particularly as we move towards workplaces where staff working alone and in remote locations is becoming more common.
There are many advantages of de-escalation face to face, interactive, practical de-escalation training and occupational violence prevention and aggression management training.
Real-time Interaction practical de-escalation training workplace workshops can provide staff with immediate solutions
🎯 Face-to-face learning will ensure that staff can receive help at the exact moment they need it.
Whilst online learning still involves help through video lessons and email,
🎯 Face-to-face interactive, practical learning means staff get the help and explanation at the exact moment they need it.
Face to face de-escalation training, OVA training promotes collaborative learning with staff
🎯 De-escalation training which Face-to-face learning is teaches staff how to work in a team environment and prepares them for facing difficulties in the workplace in relation to occupational violence and aggression.
With interactive, practical de-escalation training classroom learning, staff don’t only learn from the theory the teacher is presenting.
🎯 In face to face, interactive workshop learning staff also learn from other employees questions and past experiences in relation to occupational violence and aggression.
De-escalation training, courses that is practical encourages critical and proactive solution based thinking of staff
🎯 Being in a practical de-escalation training workshops with other staff encourages individuals to engage in live discussions and relevant solution based approaches to occupational violence prevention and aggression management. The interactive learning environment gives employees other staff to bounce ideas off and allows them to question others to ensure their understanding of the concept is correct. This enhancing confidence, safety and wellbeing of staff.
🎯 Having staff ideas discussed in practical, face-to- face de-escalation training helps staff encourage critical thinking for employees and provides direct solutions for staff with the management of aggression and violence prevention, rather than just reading theory from a laptop, or a zoom session.
De-escalation training assists staff to Safely Manage Aggressive Behaviours and prevent violence in the workplace.
At AGKK our de-escalation training for staff, OVA training and Staff Safety Training creates safer workplaces, enhances wellbeing for all, and delivers improved operational performance by teaching your staff how to safely manage aggressive behaviours and prevent violence in the workplace.
Aggression management training has been proven to be very effective in businesses and organisations across Brisbane, Queensland and Australia.
De-escalation training for staff, OVA training, Aggression management training programs and courses:
AGKK de-escalation training provides businesses and organisations and their staff, employees comprehensive, innovative practical, versatile educational training for all staff members will orient them to the goal, structure and content of a comprehensive safety program for the recognition and prevention of occupational violence and aggression.
We encourage reporting mechanisms are easy to access and staff are encouraged to report all incidents.
Accurate reporting will contribute to positive changes to reduce future risks for staff.
“Our de-escalation training helps staff to confidently identify violence and aggression risks in their workplace. We teach staff how to practically implement controls to eliminate or reduce workplace risks associated with occupational violence and aggression.”
In our practical, face-to-face staff de-escalation training and aggressive and violent management training and courses we teach staff how to deal and reduce workplace risks with challenging, aggressive and violent behaviour in the workplace.
Our de-escalation training is developed and custom made for your business, workplace and will be specific for the workplace conflict occupational violence and aggression situations staff find themselves in while they are performing their workplace daily duties.
Corporate and business de-escalation training for staff that provides practical solutions improving staff confidence, safety and wellbeing
De-escalation staff face-to face training and Occupational violence and aggression prevention management workshops that are customised for your workplace and specific needs of staff which improve employees safety and helps maintain wellbeing.
“De-escalation training for staff and businesses improves wellbeing, reduces workplace conflict & boosts confidence, enhances productivity in the workplace for businesses, organisations and employees.”
🎯 Practical de-escalation training courses and programs in occupational violence and aggression training give your staff the tools and skills they need to navigate difficult situations and turn challenging workplace conflict conversations into opportunities for growth, change and improved performance.
Staff de-escalation training, Workplace Violence and Aggression training, workshops programs and courses for staff in all businesses and organisations.
This de-escalation training course, program or workshop is designed to give staff practical, proactive strategies that effectively manage workplace violence and aggression in any workplace setting. We train staff ways in which risks of workplace violence and aggression can be reasonably and safely managed.
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Face-to-Face training, Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
De-escalation training and for staff, workshops, courses and programs are very important as workplace violence and aggression can have a very negative impact on staff and businesses.
✅ Practical de-escalation training, courses that will help staff to manage customers, clients or members of the public who can be violent or aggressive.
✅ When staff have the appropriate practical knowledge, confidence and skills for managing aggressive or violent people they may be less likely to experience negative outcomes such as stress and physical injuries.
✅ De-escalation interactive training and courses have been shown to contribute to a significant reduction in lost staff workdays, improved staff retention, reduced employee complaints, and reduced overall expenditure. When staff are less stressed they are more productive.
✅ Key benefits from the de-escalation training additionally show improved employee knowledge and confidence in identifying and handling aggressive customers, clients and individuals. Providing staff with the practical de-escalation training tools to handle violent situations when they do occur is suggested to limit the negative impact of aggression and violence in the workplace.
🎯 A practical and interactive role play approach in de-escalation training in managing and prevention of violence in training is more effective than online theory training.
What is de-escalation training, courses for frontline workers?
In proactive practical staff training techniques, de-escalation training techniques are a set of very useful skills and strategies used to defuse customers, clients or individuals anger and prevent workplace conflict situations from getting out of control.
Customers or members of the public may become angry for many different reasons. They may be unhappy with a product or service, they may be having a bad day, they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or they may be taking their frustration out on staff representatives because they can’t take it out on the company or situation they’re actually upset about.
Whatever the reason, it’s important to be able to de-escalate customer anger before it gets out of control. Customer service de-escalation techniques can help you do that.
How can staff de-escalate a customer, client or individual?
When a customer is angry, upset, or frustrated, it’s important for staff to stay calm and try to resolve the issue. Here are some de-escalation techniques that can help diffuse a situation or improve employee ability to handle future occupational and violence situations:
- Staff listen attentively to customers
- Employees show empathy
- Staff avoid making assumptions
- Employees learn to stay calm
- Staff use positive language
- Employees should note take things personally
- Staff do not make promises they cannot keep
- Find a solution together
- Staff could thank the customer for their feedback
- Employees be proactive
- Staff act professionally
- Staff review customer service de-escalation cases
- Engage in staff and customer de-escalation training yearly
🎯 In our practical de-escalation courses, training we teach staff to be proactive and not reactive which leads to more positive results with the effective management of occupational violence and aggression.
The best way to de-escalate workplace conflict, violence or aggression issues is to prevent them from happening in the first place. To do this, staff need to be proactive and be trained with practical techniques.
In our practical de-escalation courses and training we educate staff to be aware of customer triggers and taking steps to avoid them.
Some of these triggers may include:
- using negative language
- appearing disinterested
- not listening actively
- being too informal
- not being responsive to customer needs
One of the best ways to avoid occupational violence and aggression workplace issues is to be proactive from the start.
Businesses who train their employees each year with practical de-escalation training improve the safety and wellbeing outcomes for their staff.
Being proactive also means staff having a clear set of practical and effective de-escalation strategies in place so that occupational violence and aggression issues can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
If staff have effective proven techniques for dealing with workplace conflict issues, it will be easier to de-escalate them when they do occur.
Many businesses and staff engage in our customer de-escalation, staff training each year with a refresher de-escalation workshop, course the following year.
Most importantly, customer and staff de-escalation techniques need to be practiced regularly. The best way to do this is through practical staff interactive de-escalation training. This type of training can help customer service representatives to identify and respond to potential customer, client escalations. It can also help employees to practice the de-escalation techniques that have been proven to be effective.
AGKK de-escalation practical, interactive training offers workplace de-escalation training that covers everything from staff communication skills to customer, client and individual anger management. Our staff and employee de-escalation training workshops, course is designed to help staff resolve workplace occupational violence and aggression quickly and efficiently.
When a customer, client or individual begins to exhibit signs of anger or frustration, it is important to de-escalate the situation as soon as possible.
Here are samples of staff customer service de-escalation communication phrases
Sample customer service de-escalation communication techniques and phrases:
✅ “I’m sorry to hear that you’re not happy with [the product or service] you received. Can you tell me what the issue is?”
✅ “That sounds frustrating. Let’s see if we can figure this out together.”
✅ “I’m sorry that you’re not happy with the customer service you’ve received so far. Can you tell me what the issue is?”
✅ “I would like to find a solution to your problem. Can you give me some more details?”
✅ “It sounds like you’re feeling frustrated. Let’s see if we can figure this out together.”
✅ “Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”
By using some of the phrases above, you staff can effectively de-escalate aggression in the workplace and help to resolve the issue at hand.
It’s also important to avoid customer service de-escalation phrases that might make the situation worse. Here are some customer service de-escalation phrases to avoid:
🔴 “There’s nothing I can do.”
🔴 “That’s not my department.”
🔴 “I don’t know.”
🔴 “That’s our policy.”
🔴 “It’s not my fault.”
When a customer is upset, the last thing they want to hear is that there’s nothing the staff representative can do to help them. Instead, focus on what you can do to help resolve the issue. If you need to escalate the issue to another department, let the customer know that you will do everything you can to help them.
What is workplace violence or aggression?
“Any incident in which employees and other people are abused, threatened or assaulted at work”
🔴 Workplace violence occurs when staff are abused, threatened or assaulted at the workplace or whilst working.
🔴 Definition of Aggression in the workplace
Threat: any statement or behaviour that leads a person to believe they are in danger of being physically attacked. This can be an implied or actual threat to safety, health or well-being.
🔴 Assault or physical attack: the direct or indirect application of force by a person to the body of, the clothing or equipment worn by, another person, whereby this action creates a risk to health and safety.
Neither the intent nor ability to carry out the threat is relevant.
Examples of workplace violence and aggression include
🔴 Using weapons to attack a staff member.
🔴 Pushing grabbing, yelling or Standing over staff
🔴 Biting, hitting, kicking, and scratching staff
🔴 Spitting on staff
🔴 Sexual assault on staff
🔴 Threatening employees verbally
Are De-escalation training, workshops, courses and programs close to me and business or organisation?
Yes we provide de-escalation training and occupational violence prevention and aggression management training throughout Brisbane and Australia.
“Staff De-escalation training, workshops, courses and programs improve safety of staff as the proactive training provides staff and all employees with the preventative and management skills to deal with occupational violence and aggression in the workplace. Our practical de-escalation training will improve the safety and wellbeing of staff”
This practical staff de-escalation training course, program or workshops gives your employees the tools to strategically and tactically deal with aggressive people at a real workplace functional practice level, with innovative face to face training that provides realistic management and preventative solutions for staff when they are exposed to occupational violence and aggression while employees are performing their day to day duties.
Employees should receive de-escalation training to manage aggression and / or challenging behaviours in the workplace.
🎯 De-escalation training helps employees have practical and proactive knowledge or skills to deal with clients, students or customers who can be aggressive.
🎯 De-escalation training and OVA training assists employees to become more aware of preventative and management techniques for violent and aggressive situations.
🎯 Employees become more aware and/or understand aggression and management techniques.
✅ Employers should ask employees to report violent and aggressive incidents.
Why your staff and employees should participate in this practical, face-to face de-escalation training course, program or workshops?
From the de-escalation training, aggressive management training and violence prevention training your staff will achieve increased confidence in managing challenging or aggressive behaviour, and more specifically:
🎯 Through OVA training and de-escalation training staff will gain a better understanding of aggressive and violent behaviour and what causes it
🎯 Employees improve confidence gain more self-awareness and learn de-escalation strategies and techniques that prevent violence and improve management of aggressive customers, clients and individuals
🎯 Staff enhance their resilience and gain skills to defuse and deal with aggressive and violent behaviour through the de-escalation training and aggression management training. Our OVA training and de-escalation training staff will improve preventative management skills and increase safety and wellbeing.
🎯 Employees learn how to autonomously prevent and manage effectively workplace conflict incidents of violence and aggression.
🎯 The training can assist employees with causes of potential violence are identified and potentially reduced.
🎯 De-escalation training can help reduce the risks of injury or harm to employees
🎯 De-escalation training can assist staff in averting violence and achieving higher success in taking steps to implement solutions to control risks.
🔴 In your business or organisation do your staff know how to manage aggressive behaviour and prevent violence in the workplace?
🔴 What does aggressive mean in the workplace and what are the signals of aggressive or violent behaviour before it erupts?
🔴 What are the triggers of aggressive or violent behaviour in the workplace?
How can staff effectively reduce escalated aggressive behaviours?
We provide training for staff in dealing with Aggressive Behaviour in the Workplace – AGKK de-escalation training extremely experienced in OVA training for businesses, organisations and employees.
Our staff workplace de-escalation training prepares and trains staff in how to manage and deal with aggressive customers, clients and people in the workplace when there is a conflict workplace crisis.
AGKK de-escalation training and education provides specialised and custom made training for staff throughout Brisbane, Queensland and Australia wide.
De-escalation training, Aggressive workplace management training, violence prevention training, OVA training throughout Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin, Perth De-Escalation training, programs, courses and workshops for staff, businesses and organisations
De-Escalation staff training courses, programs and educational training workshops for staff in Occupational Violence and Aggression Training for employees businesses and organisations. Safety Self Defence disengagement training, workshops courses and programs for staff and employees is also available throughout Brisbane, Queensland and Australia wide.
De-Escalation Training and OVA training for staff and employees in the workplace across Brisbane and Australia
In our de-escalation management training we provide practical, custom made solutions for your employees, staff and business. Our interactive de-escalation training increases staff and employee safety and wellbeing while they are at work which help reduce the negative impact of Occupational Violence and Aggression.
“Our AGKK de-escalation workshops, courses and training are tailor- made to your organisation’s and employees circumstances, to a range of real incident scenarios, and workplace site-specific examples are used.”
De-escalation training improves Staff Safety – Enhances Staff Confidence – Builds Staff resilience and Improves Wellbeing
CONTACT US Directly anytime regarding de-escalation training workshops, courses and programs on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
We offer in-person practical and workplace functional De-escalating conflict workplace techniques Courses, programs, and workshops run by experienced, professional interactive trainers to businesses and organisations across Australia. Our courses, workshops and programs are available in Brisbane Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart, Canberra, Adelaide, and other areas of Australia.
Give us a call today to discuss your occupational violence, aggression training requirements for staff, where we identify your specific safety objectives, and desired wellbeing outcomes.
Staff de-escalation training advanced bookings recommended we are available 7 days per week
Aggression in the workplace – Training, Courses, Programs and Workshops across Brisbane, Queensland and Australia
For improved safety and wellbeing employees should be trained in de-escalation staff safety procedures these techniques and strategies reduce the risk of aggression and violence in the workplace. To construct and deliver quality occupational violence and aggression training we make prior consultation with all relevant parties regarding the training delivered so we improve the safety of staff and clients and customers.
Many businesses and organisations employ our face-to face, practical de-escalation training services for staff so they are included in induction training for new and experienced employees.
It is important that responses to critical incidents, aggressive behaviours are practiced on a regular basis to ensure employees are informed and would know what to do in an emergency situation. Just as emergency evacuation responses are practiced regularly in the workplace, so should responses to incidents of aggression in the workplace.
De-escalation staff Training, Occupational Violence and Aggression Prevention Training for staff and employees
De-Escalation Training, Occupational violence prevention training improving staff safety procedures
Our de-escalation training provides strategies for the prevention and management of occupational violence risks across all organisations and businesses with the intent of protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of staff who have the potential to experience occupational violence.
“Working with and training staff in organisations and businesses for decades I recognise that occupational violence is a serious and complex matter requiring a measured and consistent proactive set of de-escalation skills and strategies for staff to know and use to help maintain safety and wellbeing.”
All organisations have the lowest appetite for risks associated with workplace health and safety of staff and the community.
While employers have a statutory obligation to maintain a safe work environment for their staff, in some cases aggression in the workplace is not being dealt with effectively and safely.
We provide practical, experienced and proven de-escalation training throughout Australia that assists staff and all businesses and all organisations in enhancing the safety and wellbeing of staff when they are exposed to occupational violence and aggression.
Many workplaces want to ensure that there are appropriate resources to identify, prevent, manage and respond to occupational violence.
Some of the objectives of this de-escalation training, courses and occupational violence and aggression management training are to, as far as reasonably practicable:
✅ Achieve a safer workplace for staff
✅ De-escalation training helps protect the health, safety and welfare of your employees and volunteers.
A control plan is a document that describes the actions needed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff.
Aggression in the workplace, in any form, is not part of the job.
Aggression in the workplace is a workplace hazard and employers must take reasonable, practical steps to protect employees and other people in the workplace from aggressive incidents which may injure or harm them
(Section 19 OH&S Act)
OH & S Employees responsibilities
🎯 In our de-escalation training we help educate staff to take reasonable care to ensure their own health and safety.
🔴 Staff should and to avoid adversely affecting the safety and health of any person through any act.
Employees are expected to act and speak in respectful ways to each other and clients, regardless of the other person’s behaviour.
There are overall risk factors for employees in the workplace when exposed to occupational violence and aggression.
🔴 Staff working with valuable objects such as cash, drugs, jewellery
🔴 Employees working with distressed or clients (for example patients and customers)
🔴 Staff working with intoxicated people
🔴 Employees working with people who have a history of aggression or mental health conditions
🔴 Staff working alone
🔴 Employees working at night
🔴 Staff transport workers with the delivery of passengers, goods or services
🔴 Employees working in community based or health care settings
🔴 Staff in contact with the public
🔴 Employees working in high crime areas
🔴 Staff working in aged care
At AGKK de-escalation training we work intelligently with employers we can help businesses consider
✅ Employee, person risk factors
✅ Experience of employees
✅ Employee training and skills
✅ Employee’s ability to diffuse anger
✅ Employee’s personality: timid, confrontational etc.
Aggression or violence in the workplace.
Signs and indicators for staff.
Often, workplace aggression follows a pattern of increasing aggression, which may involve:
• Annoyance
• Raised voices
• Verbal threats and physical gestures
• Actual physical violence.
In our de-escalation training we train staff to be aware of these signs so employees you can avoid the situation getting worse.
Our de-escalation training supports a control plan is important for all businesses and organisations in maintaining the safety and wellbeing of staff.
In our de-escalation training we provide strategies and experienced techniques for employers to minimise the risk of violence and client aggression towards their employees.
There is a clear correlation between the violence and aggression risks, the proposed control measures and the De-escalation Training, Workshops, Programs, Courses and Occupational Violence & Aggression prevention Training. The de-escalation training is very practical and tailor-made for all organisations and their staff.
Many employers, businesses and organisations make practical de-escalation staff training in aggression management and violence prevention in the workplace available to all employees, supervisors and managers.
De-escalation training helps to raise staff awareness of the issues associated with aggression and violence in the workplace and helps improve safety and maintain wellbeing of staff.
In our de-escalation training we train staff in how to diffuse occupational anger.
If employees are confronted by an angry person, staff may be able to diffuse the situation after they attend our interactive practical de-escalation training.
We can teach staff with some of the following…
Face-to-face, practical de-escalation training for employees:
• Staff de-escalation training teaches make eye contact, but don’t stare.
• De-escalation training teaches employees to stand about four feet away, hands open with arms in a safe position.
• In our practical de-escalation training we teach staff avoid challenging body language such as hands on hips or pointing a finger.
• In our interactive de-escalation training we teach employees be considerate of cultural differences or disabilities.
•Staff stop what you are doing and give the person your full attention.
•Employees speak respectfully – treat the person as you would like to be treated.
•Staff be tactful, open and honest.
•Employees let the person have his or her say without interruption.
•Once the person has finished expressing their feelings, staff can begin to ask questions.
In our de-escalation practical staff training we educate staff to identify specific examples of the person’s concern.
•Be careful to define the problem.
•Display empathy “I can see this has upset you”
•Ask open-ended questions. For example:
•Tell me what is going on.
•What do you think the issue is?
•What would you like to see happen?
•Anything else?
•Give me an example.
•Tell me more.
•Reflect back to the person what you are hearing, i.e. “You would like to return the item…
De-escalation staff training and OVA training information to employees could include and is not limited to the following:
🎯 The nature and causes of aggression in the workplace in their business, organisation or industry sector, including potential triggers;
🎯 Suggested de-escalation techniques, strategies, proactive, practical measures to prevent such problems of violence or aggression occurring in the workplace, and best practices for their reduction and elimination;
🎯 The laws covering aggression in the workplace;
🎯 How to increase awareness of improving safety and how they will be addressed; and
🎯 The strategies available to assist staff with the management of aggression and prevention of violence in the workplace.
For experienced, practical and custom made de-escalation staff training, OVA training and information on how we can train your staff and improve their safety and wellbeing in occupational violence prevention and aggression management.
You are most welcome to contact Bernie at any time 7 days per week.
Training in working safely in preventative occupational violence and aggression skills is important for all staff, employees, businesses, organisations for the Occupational Safety and Health of all staff, managers and frontline workers in all industries throughout Brisbane and Australia.
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Face-to-Face training, Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
De-escalation training and OVA training employee training workshops, courses and programs are important for building these foundation skills for staff.
🎯 De-escalation training, courses improves the Resilience of staff
Staff develop more Resilience in our de-escalation training as they become more confident.
In a dynamic world staff need resilience more than ever. Staff members face new technologies, change and engaging working conditions dealing with a variety of people, customers and clients.
🎯 De-escalation training, courses enhances the proactive mindset of staff
A positive mindset of staff improves safety outcomes.
Our training helps improve workplace environmental awareness and mindfulness of staff so they prepare, plan and prevent violence and aggression in the workplace.
A staff team’s success can be traced back to a positive proactive mindset. It is the foundation for good work, the right attitude when managing workplace conflict situations and healthy collaboration to achieve more positive, safer outcomes.
🎯 De-escalation training, courses enhances effective workplace Communication
It’s true that teams who value authentic communication enjoy better, healthier relationships.
🎯 De-escalation training, courses helps protect staff and your business
Corporate de-escalation training and Learning Workshops, Courses and Programs that Deliver Positive Outcomes and Better Results
“Functional, practical de-escalation training with solutions based applications are the keys to building staff skills, mindsets and strengths – ready for the future proactive management of aggression or prevention of violence in the workplace.
AGKK de-escalation training builds practical, contextualised, actionable learning skills that can be used by staff, manager’s leaders and teams instantly to help improve confidence, safety and wellbeing.”
Workplace De-escalation Staff Aggression Training Programs, Courses and Workshops
Aggression training programs and de-escalation training workshops focuses on a practical risk-based approach to managing difficult workplace situations through to aggressive and violent customers / public behaviours, incorporating a range of core skill areas including:
🎯 De-Escalation Staff training improves Situational Awareness
🎯 De-escalation Staff training enhances employee’s negotiation Skills
🎯 De-escalation Employee training teaches safety Disengagement Techniques.
De-escalation training workshops, courses and programs are practical and innovative and will be developed specifically for particular workplace environments where employees face a range of verbal or behavioural challenges that is escalating incidents, unruly, aggressive or harassing type behaviours, including threats. In settings with physical exposure, this includes the risk of violence and attacks on staff and employees.
The de-escalation training has been designed to improve employee personal safety, and enable staff to manage their own and others behaviour in a highly effective, safe and proactive outcome focused manner.
Workplace Violence training Programs, Courses and workshops for staff throughout Brisbane, Queensland and Australia
De-escalation staff training for management and preventative violence in the workplace training is important especially where staff perform front line roles and higher risk roles and may be exposed to crimes of violence or serious occupational aggression.
We can provide training programs that can focus on criminal attacks including threatened or actual acts of violence against organisations and individuals. The training assists staff to safely and effectively respond to workplace threats.
The de-escalation staff training and occupational violence and aggression training (OVA training helps develop practical, contextualised workplace competency in staff assessing threats, understanding risk, making decisions and exercising good judgement under duress and in context of the reality of employee current situations. In addition the training seeks to develop staff knowledge and understanding of situational frameworks that aid in selecting the best and safest course of action in the given circumstances.
Staff develop a capability in a range of important and adaptable responses including: – primary, contingency and safe courses of action. These de-escalation training programs, courses place safety as the number one priority, to enable staff, supervisors and managers to gain the knowledge and skills required when confronted by violence or aggression.
De-escalation training caters for a wide range of staff and workplace situations. Examples include
✅ Frontline staff and workers in cash handling positions.
✅ Employees working in operational compliance / regulatory and enforcement staff, such as rangers and parking inspectors
✅ Front line staff, customer service employees, customer facing staff who deal directly with the public
✅ Staff working outside the normal work environment
✅ Staff exposed to high risk situations, threats and crimes of violence
Testimonial Practical De-escalation Training & Courses
Occupational Violence and Aggression De-Escalation Training Testimonial
“Over the years the AGKK de-escalation behaviour management strategies were very helpful for our staff. The prevention strategies throughout practical training course and program helps give our staff confidence to manage and deter aggressive or violent behaviours from occurring.
The de-escalation training intensive two hour interactive workshop is always cleverly designed by Bernie to increase our confidence using very functional techniques such as practical real workplace examples and role playing, that our staff enjoyed and gained much information from. Unlike previous providers we commissioned in previous years this was very effective as it felt like a real representation of possible real workplace conflict situations that can occur and gets employees solution oriented. I have learned a great deal including not only how to remain calm in certain circumstances but understanding why they may arise. Despite having many years of working in this industry, this training gave our employees a new perspective and a different way to look and understand how to positively deal with difficult or aggressive.
Bernie was engaging and got everyone involved. The training was helpful and positive.
Employees definitely have more confidence and many staff conveyed they can implement what they have learnt should a situation arise with angry or aggressive customers in person.
The De-escalation Skills Training & courses provided immediate solutions for real workplace conflict situations we have experienced.
The interactive de-escalation training focused, on practical sessions which explored and demonstrated both verbal and non-verbal communications, anticipating typical problems, and how to manage and reduce stress in the workplace.
Bernie consistently makes the training enjoyable interesting and thought provoking, increasing awareness in being proactive with day to day dealings with customers.
The practical de-escalation workshop helped enormously in re-building our self-esteem and helping staff to feel more confident and safe in everyday working lives. We appreciate your workshop delivery creating a safe, respectful, relaxed and interactive environment for myself and other staff and we enjoyed the de-escalation training enormously. The simple tips provided are very useful and practical to enhance de-escalation.
As staff we learnt how to manage Violence and Aggression with tactical training
The two hour course contains scenario specific applications, practical techniques easily
repeatable and communication proficiencies to improve safe practices from staff.
Bernie is always very professional and great to deal with and responded well to questions with effective solutions. He tailored the training to suit our needs as face – to – face. The training of staff provided us with essential de-escalation skills.”
Peter Williams Retail Solutions Adelaide
Delivery of de-escalation staff training workshop, courses, programs training options
🎯 AGKK tailor-made OVA training and the de-escalation training workshops and programs will be contextualised to address specific staff and organisational risk profiles and environmental contexts.
🎯 De-escalation training can be supported by detailed case studies developed and applied throughout the courses and training
🎯 Contextualised support solutions can be provided to demonstrate responses for duress situations
🎯 Occupational specific workplace conflict scenario role playing, based workplace conflict events, can be used to improve safety awareness and de-escalation strategies and proactive approaches to provide solutions and better outcomes.
🎯AGKK de-escalation staff training, face-to-face training, practical training provides experienced work-related Violence and Aggression training throughout Brisbane, Queensland and Australia wide.
Work-related violence and aggression is a growing risk for staff who work directly with the public.
Acts of workplace aggression and violence can cause serious physical or physiological injuries to staff and in some cases can be fatal. It is crucial that organisations and businesses provide de-escalation training to staff so employees have the management skills and workplace awareness to prevent occupational violence and aggression risks to ensure the health and safety of employee team members.
Why is de-escalation staff training and OVA employee training so important for employers, businesses, organisations, employees and all staff?
Duty of care for employees and Health and safety laws are designed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of staff, workers and others in the workplace. This includes both physical and psychological wellbeing of staff.
Under health and safety laws, employers have a primary duty of care to ensure that the health and safety of workers is not put at risk from occupational violence and aggression. This includes ensuring:
✅ The work environment is designed to manage risks associated with occupational violence and aggression.
✅ Policies and procedures are implemented to prevent and respond to incidents of occupational violence and aggression.
✅ Team members are provided with information about how to prevent and respond to occupational violence and aggression during their induction and ongoing training.
✅ Support systems are in place for team members who are exposed to incidents of occupational violence and aggression.
If an employer is aware of a foreseeable risk of an assault, the employer has a duty to take reasonable precautions to prevent that, and failure to do so may make them liable.
🎯 As a first step, employers should attempt to eliminate the occupational violence and aggression risks. If this is not possible, it is important to minimise the risk as far as reasonably practicable.
🎯 Multiple controls are required for preventing and responding to occupational violence and aggression, such as environmental controls and safe systems of work.
Examples of what employers can do to help protect their employees:
🎯 Identify violence and aggression hazards and assess the risks for staff
🎯 Provide their employees practical de-escalation staff training and OVA staff training
🎯 Implement controls to eliminate or reduce the risk of occupational violence and aggression towards staff (e.g. limit the amount of cash or valuables on the premises, increase security measures)
🎯 Ensure effective health and safe work systems are in place to identify and control risk
🎯 Provide face-to-face interactive training in how staff can manage difficult customers, conflict resolution and de-escalating aggressive behaviour.
🎯 Promote and educate staff a work culture that does not accept violence and aggression
🎯 Reports of occupational violence and aggression should be encouraged and investigated, ensure existing controls are reviewed
🎯 Support employees who have been exposed to occupational violence and aggression in the workplace
De-escalation staff training Occupational violence and aggression – staff training
Each workplace is to ensure that there are appropriate resources for staff to identify, prevent, manage and respond to occupational violence.
Training is integral to building and strengthening knowledge and skills for employees to prevent and manage occupational violence and aggression (OVA).
Occupational Violence & Aggression (OVA) is aimed at all staff carers who work with the public/ or family members who might become verbally or physically exposed to aggression or violence in the workplace.
How to prevent common types of occupational violence and aggression in the workplace for staff
As a business or organisation you must manage the risks associated with occupational violence and aggression in the workplace and establish a zero-tolerance policy for acts of violence and aggression towards staff and others in the workplace.
AGKK de-escalation training is a complete, engaging and dynamic solution for the delivery of face to face training for occupational violence and aggressive management training for staff.
“With our practical De-escalation staff training and safety Self Defence disengagement solutions training we Euip, Educate and Empower your staff, employees, business and your workplace with confidence skills and the solutions needed to respond professionally and ethically to escalated individuals and incidents thus increasing productivity and improving safety.”
Why is Interactive Staff De-escalation Training, Preventative Occupational Violence and Aggression Management Training becoming very important for multiple businesses and their staff throughout Brisbane, Queensland and Australia?
In our practical training we educate staff in the importance of responding vs. reacting to escalated situations. This Self Defence training and de-escalation training dramatically improves the safety and wellbeing of staff and all employees in the workplace.
Our staff interactive safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions and staff de-escalation training educates employees with the workplace strategies and techniques deliver real-world solutions for real-world escalated situations of occupational violence, conflict and aggression.
Equip your staff with habits, skills, and actions that comply with state and federal guidelines for Workplace Violence Prevention and Aggression Management.
Mitigate escalated and violent behaviour through staff increasing their proactive communications skills and techniques.
Each De-Escalation skill and Self Defence technique are based on the safety science of how staff communicate with all individuals in the workplace.
We provide safety de-escalation Self Defence disengagement training and de-escalation training for staff that is comprehensive and relevant to prevent escalation and reduce unneeded stress, anxiety and loss of income and productivity to all employees and businesses.
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for Face-to-Face training, Staff Safety Self Defence disengagement training solutions & De-escalation training, courses, programs, OVA training, Violence management prevention training,
Aggressive Behaviour Management, Risk Management training, for your business, organisation and staff.
We are here to provide solutions which improve staff confidence, safety and wellbeing with our proven de-escalation training, courses, workshops and practical interactive training for your staff, business or organisation.
As the founder and chief instructor Bernie is dedicated and professional to help achieve your desired safety outcomes for your staff in relation to the prevention and management of occupational violence and aggression with our practical interactive de-escalation courses and training.
A leading educational communicator Bernie is able to engage with individual, commercial, local, state, and federal stakeholders to obtain successful de-escalation results in relation to occupational violence and aggression which enhance the safety and wellbeing of staff.
He is a strategic thinker who can identify, inspire and help organisations and staff implement proactive de-escalation techniques and enhance strategies to achieve more positive safety results for employees.
He has provided strategic and tactical de-escalation courses and training advice for enhancing improved safety and wellbeing of staff.
He has extensive practical delivery de-escalation training experience in Queensland, New South Wales, Canberra, Victoria and South Australia in analysing workplace aggression or violence incident information and deliver optimal training for staff and individuals at risk of engaging in occupational violence and aggression.
As the founder and chief instructor he takes the time to prepare quality custom made face-to-face training and enjoy using my proven skills and experience to train front line workers within all industries in how to de-escalate aggression and safely disengage and protect themselves from occupational violence.
It is an unfortunate fact that more recently there has been an increase in aggression and violence towards staff from customers or clients in the workplace.
Working with a variety of industries across Australia he has been providing quality in person training sessions providing practical and immediate safety solutions to staff.
Directly on 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
Our AGKK de-escalation face-to-face training, practical courses and OVA training workshops help staff and employees to…