Deflection Training, Evasion Training, Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff, Disengagement Training, Managing Violence and Aggression training, Breakaway Training, Aggression and safety management training workshops for staff,
OVA training for Staff, De-escalation training Employees, Carers, Foster Carers, Health employees, Nurses, Doctors, Ward Staff, Residential Carers Social Workers, & individuals with violence & aggression management training.
Managing Violence and Aggression training throughout Brisbane and Australia.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
The de-escalation training workshops courses, programs contains workplace scenario specific applications, practical techniques easily repeatable and communication proficiencies to prevent and manage violence and aggression in the workplace.
For more than 20 years AGKK de-escalation training has provided staff, carers and foster carers with the proactive tools to effectively manage their own emotional state and the management of violence and aggression when they are working with people who present behaviours that are challenging and find ways to calm situations when people who are in their care or receive services are distressed, frustrated or angry.
🎯 Deflection training and de-escalation training helps improve safety and wellbeing for all involved.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
✅ Our conflict de-escalation and deflection training workshops or programs improve safety awareness and proactive management responses for staff, employees and foster carers, social workers and carers.
✅ Our workshops, course or program is suitable for staff, carers and people working in any sector and provides insight into the reasons why conflict can occur and provides the practical tools to de-escalate potentially volatile situations.
✅ Our de-escalation training, deflection training and safe breakaway disengagement training is suitable staff, carers or people working in health, social care and education.
✅ The education received in safety responses enable staff, employees and all participants to improve their personal safety and safety of customers or clients through improved spatial awareness, environmental mindfulness awareness and positioning, movement and release (breakaway) techniques.
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for managing violence & aggression training lessons and classes for staff.
Managing violence & aggression training for staff

Our training content will be adapted to meet your specific needs and the needs of all participants including staff, employees, carers, foster carers, social workers, and individuals.
We have successfully delivered de-escalation training, deflection training and breakaway training to participants in roles as diverse as: support workers, carers, foster carers, social workers, council officers, machine operators, hoteliers, office administrators, finance officers, housing officers and teachers.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Our goal in de-escalation training and OVA training is to consistently deliver a training experience which is stimulating, practical, positive and outcome-focused in relation to occupational violence and aggression management.
Our Deflection Training, Evasion Training, Disengagement Training and Breakaway Training, OVA training helps staff and individuals with
🎯 The proactive management of violence and aggression
🎯 Improves staff conflict management and verbalisation skills to deter violence and aggression
🎯 Training enhances Personal Safety and Breakaway Skills
🎯 Deflection Training improves passive management of the aggressive client, patient or customer
🎯 OVA training improves effective strategies and better outcomes when dealing with violence and aggression
🎯 Deflection Training, Evasion Training, Disengagement Training and Breakaway Training, OVA training improves and helps staff with improving safety and wellbeing when they are faced with violence and aggression
Deflection Training, Evasion Training, Disengagement Training and Breakaway Training, OVA training, Passive Management training of the aggressive client or customer helps to reduce the risks of violence and aggression in your service by developing staff knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively employ de-escalation skills, breakaway and disengagement tactics or personal safety control techniques appropriately within the context of their service users, residents, patients and clients.
The training intelligently and proactively improves the safety and wellbeing for all involved when occupational violence and aggression can occur with customers, clients or individuals.

Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Our AGKK de-escalation training workshops, courses or programs develop practical and scaffolded levels of prevention and management of violence and aggression:
– Proactive strategies to prevent incidents of aggression or violence
– Management strategies to defuse and de-escalate an emerging situation
– Practical techniques and strategies to minimise injury risk and regain control of a situation with occupational violence and aggression
Our de-escalation training improves Communication Skills of staff, support workers, teachers, lecturers, carers, foster carers, social workers and all employees.
Participants will model and practice appropriate verbal skills for preventing and de-escalating conflict, aggression or violence.
At AGKK de-escalation training we will work with organisations and businesses to:
✅ Plan your training workshop or programme around your desired outcomes, schedule, working patterns and the particular incidence that staff face with occupational violence and aggression. We deliver training face-to-face tailor-made training with innovative strategies and techniques that improve safety and wellbeing of staff.
✅ At AGKK de-escalation training we ensure that the training supports your organisations policies and procedures. We will ensure that the training messages we convey compliment your desired outcomes, internal objectives communications, processes, and ethos or mission statement.
✅ We aim to give your staff the peace of mind that participants are going away with the practical skills they need to improve safety and wellbeing. In the case of deflection training and safety management disengagement techniques, that participants are able to consistently and safely demonstrate the techniques and explain when and how they should be applied
✅ AGKK de-escalation training will recognise, embrace and value the diversity and needs of all employees. Our content will be custom made and be adapted and presented in a variety of innovative ways in order to ensure that all learner needs are catered for and respected.
AGKK de-sedation training helps staff, employees and all individuals to develop insight into the reasons why we may encounter conflict and how to de-escalate potentially conflict or volatile situations.
AGKK de-escalation training is suitable for people working in all sectors and organisations.
In our de-escalation training and OVA training we focus upon developing proactive strategies for positive behaviour management. It allows participants to prevent, defuse and de-escalate difficult and potentially risky situations.
The de-escalation training includes training in deflection and effective release (breakaway) techniques and is specifically designed for staff and individuals working in health, social care and education environments.
🎯 We enhance skills and abilities to defuse confrontation using proactive verbal tactical responses.
🎯 We educate staff The ability to safely apply a variety of physical interventions to protect themselves and others from physical harm and, where required facilitate their escape from a range of situations.
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for managing violence & aggression training lessons and classes for staff.
Managing violence & aggression training for staff

Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Our Target Audience for de-escalation training will suits all employees and staff
AGKK de-escalation training workshops will suits staff or individuals working in health, hospitals, hospitality, retail, social care and education etc.
The content and examples used will be tailor-made to the roles of the staff and individuals and the environments in which they work. All of our de/escalation training and solutions based physical intervention training can be adapted for use with adults, children and older clients.
As a very experienced educator and trainer Bernie enjoys tailor making the de-escalation training or proactive management Self Defence solutions specific to your employees.
✅ He has a vast array of delivery skills, experience and exposure to a wide range of industries, organisations and businesses
✅ He has over 20 years of de-escalation teaching and training experience throughout Australia
✅ Bernie has a wide range of solutions and management techniques including practical, proactive strategy solutions for occupational violence and aggression management
✅ As a facilitator he has a strong ability to communicate effectively and finds it easy to build rapport with a wide variety of people, internally and externally within an organisation
✅ Bernie has good interpersonal, written, and organisational skills
✅ As the founder and Chief Instructor of AGKK de-escalation training, Bernie has the passion and the drive to make things happen to ensure that the training is delivered to a very high-quality standard to improve the safety and wellbeing of staff, clients and customers
✅ Bernie has the ability and experience to consult and collaborate with a broad range of people to achieve their targeted training outcomes
✅ He has a high level of methodical organisation skills and positive outcomes orientated, with the ability to manage desired timeframe and priorities
✅ Bernie always demonstrates flexibility and adaptability; to respond quickly and effectively to get the job done to enhance the safety and wellbeing of staff, clients and customers
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
What is breakaway training for staff and carers?
In any line of work, there comes a time when confrontation is inevitable. Most of the time this manifests itself verbally. Sometimes, however, physical confrontations can arise.
Some sectors, in particular the care sector, are more prone to physical confrontations and no matter how hard you try to resolve problematic issues, threatening behaviour is unavoidable.
Breakaway training aims to deal with these threatening situations by teaching the delegate the correct safety procedures for protecting themselves and those around them. In our breakaway training and de-escalation training we teach solutions for safe disengagement from dangerous situations when someone is violent or aggressive.
We teach situational awareness, safe disengagement, deflection techniques and breakaway techniques in circumstances of aggression and physical assault.
This is vital for staff and individuals working in a care environment, as patients or clients, including children and elderly can sometimes be physically aggressive due to behavioural issues.
Importantly, breakaway training demonstrates how to cope with physically aggressive behaviour in relation to your duty of care to increase the safety and wellbeing for employees, clients, customers and individuals.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Why is breakaway training important for staff, employees and carers?
Breakaway training is important for a number of reasons.
Firstly, it educates and teaches staff to safely and proactively protect themselves and others from physical attacks.
Other people who could be in danger are patients, clients, members of staff, visitors or the general public.
Aside from learning how to protect employees and others, breakaway training teaches key points in duty of care, in particular, health and safety strategies and techniques.
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for managing violence & aggression training lessons and classes for staff.
Managing violence & aggression training for staff

Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Is breakaway training important for staff and employees?
Occupational violence and aggression, conflict and confrontation in the workplace is sometimes inevitable and although we hope that staff never have to utilise their breakaway training in the workplace, having it as a skill is vital should a situation ever occur.
As a carer, it is their responsibility to look after those who are vulnerable and less able than yourself and breakaway training facilitates this to some extent.
Physical attacks can occur in a variety of situations such as whilst standing, sitting behind a desk, sitting down or in a car transporting patients or clients.
In our de-escalation, deflection and breakaway training we teach safe strategies and disengagement techniques so staff learn how to deal with attacks in different situations so employees or carers can effectively manage and resolve the issue safely for all involved.
In our de-escalation training, breakaway training we teach staff and carers to identify, prevent and manage occupational violence and aggression.
With our de-escalation training and breakaway training, we teach staff to become more aware of warning signs and danger signs.
It is important that staff are educated with being able to identify the difference between the two.
When warning signs appear it might be possible to intervene and attempt to resolve the situation.
However, with danger signs, it is recommended that you safely leave the danger and pursue help from the necessary assistance.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
The following example indicates that a client or person could potentially become aggressive or violent:
🔴 Appearance: bloodstained, carrying anything that could be used as a weapon.
🔴 Physical activity: restless or agitated, pacing, standing up frequently, clenching of jaw or fists, hostile facial expressions with sustained eye contact, entering ‘off limit’ areas uninvited.
🔴 Mood: angry, irritable, anxious, tense, distressed, difficulty controlling emotions.
🔴 Speech: loud, swearing or threatening, slurred
Below is a list of both warning and danger signs for aggression or violence in the workplace
Warning signs of aggression or violence in the workplace
🔴 Direct, prolonged eye contact
🔴 Standing tall
🔴 Exaggerated movements
🔴 Breathing rate increases
🔴 Quick movements
🔴 Shifting weight from one foot to the other
Danger signs of aggression or violence in the workplace for staff
🔴 Fist clenching
🔴 Lips tighten over teeth
🔴 Hands rise above the waist
🔴 Shoulders tense
🔴 Stance moves from square to sideways
🔴 Facial colour may pale
We teach staff to safely disengage from physical violence and de-escalate aggression.
Examples of aggressive behaviour management include
🎯 Training staff to stay calm
🎯 Training staff to adopt a body position at a 45 degree angle to the aggressor.
🎯 Use the space for self-protection (position yourself close to the exit, don’t crowd the client.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
We train staff to understand what is under their control when they are confronted with aggression or violence in the workplace
We train staff to develop a tactical plan and proactive steps to manage aggression and violence
We teach staff strategies to reduce exposure to potential attacks from customers, clients or individuals
We teach staff how to manage aggressive behaviour and teach employees how to defuse aggression in the workplace using tactical communication.
We teach staff how to manage aggressive behaviour and teach employees how to defuse aggression by using other forms of communication for example proactive body language
Safety Solutions from aggressive actions
Safety Self Defence Solutions against wrist grabs, collar and chokes from aggressive customers, clients or individuals
We teach staff how to escape from aggression and violence in the workplace
We train staff how to protect themselves if they are knocked down and an aggressor is standing over them
Staff safety techniques in how to escape and deflect violence and aggression
The aggressive management training is suitable for all staff, employees and carers.
This safety training, aggression management workshop is effective for all staff and carers who want to learn how to avoid dangerous, aggressive situations where possible and how to prevent and proactively protect themselves if the need arises.
In our aggression training we improve
Situational safety workplace awareness of staff when faced with violence and aggression
Improve safety performance of employees when confronted with workplace aggression or violence
Personal safety and safety Self Defence solution strategies
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for managing violence & aggression training lessons and classes for staff.
Managing violence & aggression training for staff

✅ Improving aggression and violence Awareness & Avoidance strategies and techniques for staff
✅ Aggressive management training for staff
✅ Safe Personal space training for staff
✅ The safety shield foundation stance for staff
✅ Pushing away from grabs and escaping to safety training for staff
✅ Safety Breakaway techniques training for staff
✅ Single hand/arm wrist grab escape training for staff
✅ Double hand/arm wrist grab escape training for staff
✅ Clothes grab escape training for staff
✅ Safety Breakaway techniques for staff and carers escape training for staff
✅ Breakaway techniques and disengagement from a front choke escape training for staff
✅ Breakaway techniques and disengagement from hair grabs escape training for staff
✅ Breakaway techniques and disengagement from a rear choke escape training for staff
✅ Breakaway techniques and disengagement from bear hugs escape training for staff
✅ Breakaway techniques and disengagement from headlocks escape training for staff
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Deflection training strategies can maximise proactive outcomes for staff and employees.
🎯 In dealing with aggression in the workplace, it is important for staff to respond professionally, ethically and appropriately.
🎯 Responding with high reactive emotions will almost certainly escalate the situation and make it harder to defuse.
🎯 With our de-escalation training and deflection training techniques for staff and carers we provide some suggestions and proactive strategies for ways to manage aggression in others, particularly through use of both verbal and non-verbal communication which aids in improving safety for employees, carers and clients.
Aggression is often associated with deep emotional responses: it is a reaction to threats, or anger. It therefore triggers an emotional response in other people.
If staff or carers are going to deal effectively with aggression in others, it is important that employees understand and can manage their own emotional responses.
In our de-escalation training and deflection training we educate staff and careers with techniques and strategies in making an appropriate response that can help customers, clients or other person’s to manage their emotions.
As a staff member or carer, one of the most important things to understand is that in most cases it is not personal: you are simply on the ‘front line’ when you are exposed to occupational aggression or violence. As employees or carers you therefore do not need to take it personally, and become defensive, because it is not a criticism of you.
Customers, clients or individuals are also less likely to become aggressive if they:
- Feel safe and unthreatened;
- Expect to be treated with respect, perhaps because of previous experience in that environment or with that person;
- Understand the behaviour that is expected, or the social norms; or
- Are able to communicate effectively.
- Are listened to
Defusing and management of aggressive customers, clients or individuals in the workplace
There are a number of de-escalation techniques for dealing with aggression, including both verbal and non-verbal management behaviours.
These workplace management techniques will be particularly helpful for anyone who has to manage aggression or violence in the course of their professional life.
Non-verbal management behaviours and de-escalation techniques that can help to defuse aggression in the workplace include:
- Staff being aware of their own body language and showing a non-threatening, open stance.
- Employees keeping good eye contact but ensuring this does not appear confrontational.
- Staff having controlled body movements and moving slowly and steadily. Employees keeping their physical movements calm and measured.
- Staff managing proximity well and respecting the other person’s personal space.
De-escalation verbal communication and management behaviours that will help to encourage proactive outcomes include:
- Staff listening to what the other person is communicating, recognising and emphasising positive aspects of what is being communicated.
- Employees showing respect through polite formalities and aiming to work towards a positive outcome.
- Staff showing understanding and empathy with the person by reflecting, clarifying and summarising their thoughts and feelings.
- Employees avoid any expression that can make the conflict situation worse, for example; a staff member raising their voice and saying to the person “You must calm down!”.
- Staff encouraging the other person to take responsibility for their own behaviour and to tactically direct it into more creative or positive outcomes, for example “Let us work this out together to see if we can help you.”

Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
The impact on staff can vary widely in their reactions to the experience of other people’s aggression.
Ways of coping with aggression or conflict in the workplace after it has happened include:
- Refer to any guidelines of your organisation.
- Report the event to a supervisor.
- Tell other staff about your experience. Expressing feelings and reactions can help you to come to terms with what has happened and to understand that many such reactions are a normal response to hostile behaviour.
- Attempt to analyse what has happened, why the other person behaved as they did and your reactions. Discuss this with a supervisor or other member of your organisation.
- Put into practice stress management techniques and relaxation techniques
- Be aware of possible symptoms that may follow such an experience, e.g. feelings of anxiety, disturbed sleep, constantly recalling the event, recurring dreams, physical reactions, depression or difficulties in concentration.
- Do not underplay the stress of an event, it is important to maintain your wellbeing as a staff member.
Violence and Aggression Management Training for Staff
Some key ideas of management of aggressive behaviour in the workplace
For staff to develop an understanding of aggressive behaviour in the workplace, it is important for employees to recognise their own feelings and how they react and deal with aggression—both within themselves and in others. The first line of management de-escalation is very definitely not attack, in this case—it is self-control and situational awareness.
Employees listening to people, and treating them as individuals, can go a very long way to helping you to manage and defuse aggression in others.
When staff are under pressure in a situation when they are exposed to aggression or violence in the workplace there can be a natural instinct to fight, flight or freeze.
In our OVA training we teach staff strategies to manage and deal with violence and aggression in the workplace to help maintain the safety and wellbeing of all.
If a client or customer becomes aggressive, threatening or potentially violent, it is important for staff to respond appropriately with occupational violence and aggression management strategies.
Our de-escalation training provides staff with the knowledge and management techniques in how to respond to challenging behaviour, including physical threats or actual violence in the workplace.
Directly on ☎ 0409474494 or use this inquiry booking form
You are most welcome to contact Bernie to discuss your specific objectives and desired outcomes for managing violence & aggression training lessons and classes for staff.
Managing violence & aggression training for staff